Ebook Resources for Teaching Young Children

How to Select Just Right Electronic Books for the Early Childhood Classroom

Drs. Tracy McNelly & Natalie Conrad Barnyak

TMI Conference | Saint Vincent College

Web Based Tools

A Story Before Bed: Children and adults can record and read books online. The site also contains pre-recorded stories. http://www.astorybeforebed.com/

Book Flix: Pairs fiction and nonfiction. Students can read the book with or without audio. Words are highlighted as they are read. Games and activities accompany the books. http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/bookflix/#/

Common Sense Media Best Book Apps for Kids: A list of interactive eBooks that combine a great story with interactivity. This site rates each book and provides links where you can purchase the app.https://www.commonsensemedia.org/lists/best-book-apps-for-kids

Epic: You can create a teacher account and assign books to your students. Books come in digitized text, rad to me, and audiobook versions. Videos and quizzes are available. https://www.getepic.com/?utm_channel=search&gclid=CjwKCAiAwZTuBRAYEiwAcr67OXorYxamr9dwHQRUfpp_dTshOmdUT1Vy3AI_jzNncfwPQDYE_JbutBoCTOcQAvD_BwE

Free Kids Books: Children can read an online digitized version of the book or download a pdf version. https://freekidsbooks.org/reading-level/children/

Magic Blox: Digitized versions of the print book with no bells and whistles. https://magicblox.com/

Over Drive: A large selection of eBooks and audio books. Can listen to samples. https://www.overdrive.com/

Oxford Owl: Created by the Oxford University Press you will find more than 150 eBooks. There are also free teaching resources, including storytelling videos, eBooks and downloadable worksheets and teaching notes available on the site.Parent site is free.https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Pubgen: Provides a list of interactive eBooks for android devices. http://pubgen.com/blog/android-apps-children/

Raz-Kids: An online reading resource for reading practice. The listen feature allows the eBook to read aloud and highlight words or you can choose the read feature without voice narration. The read version allows children to click on word to hear it read, annotate the page, and add the word to a journal. Worksheets and quizzes accompany the eBooks. https://www.raz-kids.com/

Starfall: Limited eBooks. Some eBooks read each word separately and some read phrases in books. Students can manipulate eBooks to read words. Some of the eBooks allow student interaction. Available for android and iOS devices as well. https://www.starfall.com/h/

Storyline Online: Actors and Actresses read aloud quality children’s books. Books are displayed as video files. Activity guides accompany each book. https://www.storylineonline.net/

Storynory: Contains audio stories and poems for kids. https://www.storynory.com/

Story Place: Each story reads aloud like a video. Activities, a video, a reading list, and games accompany each story. https://www.storyplace.org/

Tumble Books: Contains a library of eBooks. Provides reading levels, quizzes, and lesson plans to accompany eBooks. Some eBooks appear as video files and others as digitized text files. There are no books https://www.tumblebooks.com/

eBook Apps

15 Best Children’s Books Best Read on an iPad


100 Interactive eBooks for iPad, iPhone and Androids



Best Storybook apps for Kids


Nook Kids Read and Play


iPad Apps for eBooks: When you download these apps, you can choose from a variety of eBooks to play on your iPad. 

Reading IQ

  • https://www.readingiq.com/
  • Over 7000 books
  • Ages 2-12
  • Try it free for 30 days; $7.99 per month
  • An app and can access from web browser

Amazon Freetime Unlimited


Google Play eBook Apps


  • Book Dash
  • Let’s Read Digital Library of Children’s Books
  • Fairy Tales: Children’s Stories and Games
  • Rivet: Better Reading Practice for Kids



Google Play Read Along Books


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